
  • 08.05.2018 16:36

    Häftig Upplevelse i Spanien, Nu Väntar Tävlingssäsongen

    Nu är det inte långt kvar av tiden i El Rompido, Spanien, och tävlingssäsongen börjar skymta i periferin. Under vintern har jag fokuserat enormt mycket på tekniska detaljer både i närspelet och i svingen, något som jag kände efter förra säsongen var absolut nödvändigt. Höften strulade mycket och jag hade många små undermedvetna kompensationer för detta, kompensationer som inte alltid gjorde slagen i sig bättre. Jag har därför fokuserat mycket just på det tekniska, samt även det fysiska. Jag har spenderat mycket tid på gymmet för att bygga upp muskulaturen, framför allt i lägre delen av bålen och i gluteus och baksida lår. Jag kände också i höstas att jag ville prova mental träning, något som jag haft med mig under vintern hela tiden.

    Nu har dock tävlingssäsongen kommit närmare och i takt med det har jag fokuserat mer och mer på att faktiskt spela golf. Ibland har jag fortfarande lite svårt att släppa vissa teknikdetaljer, men fler och fler slag blir helt fria från tänk över bollen. När de slagen kommer, det är då golf verkligen är njutbart och det är då allt faller på plats.



    Just nu längtar jag mycket hem till Tullinge. Det har varit en väldigt lång sväng här och det ska bli jätteroligt att träffa familj och vänner hemma i Sverige igen. Just nu vill jag inget hellre än att åka hem och dra igång tävlandet, men jag är övertygad om att jag, när jag ser tillbaka på min tid här, kommer att se det som en rolig och fantastiskt givande tid i mitt liv. Jag har verkligen lät mig helt galet mycket och då menar jag inte bara om golf. Jag har lärt mig lite spanska, att samarbeta med olika typer av människor, att läsa av situationer och hur folk fungerar olika och att man inte får köra bil i bar överkropp i Spanien. Men framför allt har jag lärt mig fruktansvärt mycket om mig själv och hur jag fungerar i olika situationer. Jag har till och med hittat lite nya intressen, eller saker som jag tycker om att hålla på med när det kommer till arbetslivet. Allt detta är oerhört nyttigt och jag tror inte att det finns många andra arbeten som kunde ha givit mig samma möjligheter till personlig utveckling som detta.



    I'm sorry I wrote in Swedish this time. I didn't realize I was doing it until I was done, and now I don't have time to change it. Next time it will be in English!

  • 01.04.2018 11:21

    As One Season is Nearing a Close, Another is Closing in

    I have now been in Spain, working for the Swedish golf travel agency Golf Plaisir since September. During my time here I have met many interesting people with different backgrounds and different reasons for playing this wonderful game. Some love practicing, many appreciate the closeness to nature, even more enjoy the fact that they stay active, but mostly people seem to be in love with the social aspect of the game. All of these factors combined makes for the perfect activity for anyone who has a few hours to spare.

    As for me, my season is now closing in, and I can't wait to tee off in my first tournament. I fly home on May 19th, and my first tournament will be in Mosjö May 24th (I have posted my tournament schedule under ”Tournaments”). During my time here in El Rompido, Spain, I have worked hard on the foundations of my golf swing, and I am pleased to say that I am liking the progress I have made during the winter. Now I have started to focus more on actual playing and scoring so that I'll be as ready as I can possibly get physically and mentally for the season when I get back home. Hopefully the snow has disappeared by then.

    This job I've had as a golf host and teaching pro during the winter has been very rewarding for me. It has been tough being away from many of the people I love and care about for so long, even though I have had visits from my fiancée, my parents, and even my uncle and cousin. It has also been difficult sometimes to be in one place for so long (mostly probably because non of my family and friends from home are here). But, it has been great fun to work with my colleague, Jörgen. We are very different and disagree on every other thing we talk about, but we complement each other very well and I have learned plenty of new things from working and spending time with him. It has also been awesome to be able to give lessons as a teaching professional, which is something I have enjoyed doing very much. It doesn't beat playing (no work does), but it definitely beats typing on a computer or packing up groceries, in my opinion that is. Seeing the ”student” being able to hit that shot they couldn't hit a few minutes earlier or hearing about their awesome round the next day is such a great feeling.

    The job has also given me a lot of challenges since there are plenty of logistics and coordination between the main office in Sweden, the hotel, the transfer companies and the golf course to take into consideration while planning and preparing the stay for all of the guests.

    Right in this moment we have a big group of guests and the golf courses are in their high season, meaning there are plenty of golfers here and it is sometimes hard to find the possibility to practice and play as much as I would want. However, I can still do some golf related practice almost every day.

    My fingers are itching to get home and start playing tournament golf! I'm ready for the season to start!


    If anyone is interested in more specific information about my season or career, don't hesitate to e-mail or phone me. Have a good one everybody!


    Gänget på Monte Rei i Februari


    Fina soluppgångar på Costa de la Luz ("Ljusets kust")  

    Padelgänget, vi är nu världsmästare


  • 10.12.2017 21:42

    Ho-ho-ho, Christmas is Closing in at El Rompido Golf Resort

    Now winter has come to the southern part of Spain too. In the mornings it's been pretty cold lately, not compared to Sweden though of course. I am enjoying being down here, having the possibility to practice golf and work out at the gym any time I am free. But as Christmas comes closer, I cant help but feel a little sad that I'm not going to spend it together with my family. I've made my choice though so I can't complain about it, but I still wish I could go home just for 2-3 days over Christmas. I've done what I can to get some Christmas feeling in my apartment. I've got a small Christmas tree, a few scented candles and a Christmas plant.  

    Christmas tree on my room


    I also have gingerbread, saffron buns, and glögg which Ellinor brought with her when she visited me for a few days in the end of November. She surprised me one night with having prepared a small evening advent celebration. My mother also came on a short visit. It was supposed to be for three days, but her stay got cut short by one night since her flight was cancelled and she had to stay a night in Zurich. The days while my mom was here were slightly different from the days that Ellinor spent here. While my mom and I went to the Columbus museum, saw the village, and went shopping, me and Ellinor mostly played golf every day (except for when I had to work obviously). They both stayed for a very short time, but now I'm looking forward to new years because Ellinor will then be staying for two weeks.

    The Advent celebration "fika"



    Like I said, I really do like it here. The people working at the resort are very friendly and treat me like their own staff. It's been a few very tough weeks though this fall since there has been a lot of changes made as to who I'm working with. Now, however, the permanent replacement for the first golf host is finally here and he will stay until May 20th, just like me. He is the third colleague I've had since I got here, so the workload should now be reduced by a lot. Also, our destination has gone into low-season so we don't have as many guests coming as we did three weeks ago.


    One of the things I do here is act as a teaching professional to our guests. This has been a great experience for me and I'm enjoying it very much. Not only do I teach the guests new things, but I have discovered that my own understanding for both teaching and actually playing the game myself has gotten a lot better. I have a clearer picture of what needs to be done with my swing technically for me to be competitive at the level I know I can be at. Unfortunately my hip has started bothering me a bit lately, limiting the movement in my rotations and affecting my swing. Tomorrow, Monday, I am going to see a local physical therapist about it, and he should be able to help me correct things. The good thing is that even though I can feel that my pelvis is in a lock, it doesn't hurt as much as it has done before. I believe this is because of my intense workout routine. I work out at the gym five times a week now during off season to give myself the chance to have a body that can last for the whole next season. In addition to this, I do a few exercises every night on my room.

    Me and two of my prodigies on the course


    Now, since we don't have that many guests at the moment, the next couple of weeks will be full of practice, playing, and working out. I am looking forward to seeing the physical therapist tomorrow, and get my hip squared away and ready to go again.



    I will be working here at El Rompido Golf Resort until the 20th of May, so during that period I won't be playing any tournaments as of right now. There is a Pro Am I want to play on Costa del Sol in the southeast of Spain in April. The problem is that I don't have a team, which I need to participate. So if anyone reading this is interested in coming to Spain in April and playing an exclusive tournament with me, you can check it out on this link:

    My schedule for next year will be published on here as soon as the official tour schedule is released.

  • 13.10.2017 22:54

    A Very Wet Q-School and a Very Sunny El Rompido

    After a short "visit" back home in Sweden I have now arrived back in El Rompido, Spain, again. I first arrived in El Rompido on September 19th and I stayed for eleven days before going back to play in the Nordic Golf League qualifier. I was very happy to see how wonderful and welcoming everyone was in the staff, both at the golf course and at the hotel. I am working together with Bo, a veteran in the golf hosting area of work. He helped me a lot to settle in fast and get familiar with the new facilities and surroundings. The first guests came to us on September 23rd, and I was a little nervous initially to be honest, but then again I guess most of us get nervous when trying something new, especially when other people count on you. Fortunately, the guests that came that first week were all relaxed and understanding. I had a blast and got to give a bunch of teaching lessons which I really enjoyed. 


    A week later I flew back home to participate in the Nordic Golf League Q-School at Vasatorp Tournament Course, a really nice course with a great layout. The day before travelling down there, my fiancé came home from her stay in the US. I picked her up at the airport and we drove down south together. She was going to caddie for me down there. It was great seeing her again! It's tough not seeing each other more than maybe 3-4 months of the year, and now that I will be in Spain until May it might even be less than that. This is the hardest thing about both of us pursuing our dream to play golf for a living.


    We arrived in Helsingborg on Monday afternoon and I decided to practice a couple of hours at the short-game practice areas. After that we drove to Landskrona, about twenty minutes away, where we were going to stay with my brother's college room mate's parents. When we arrived, they welcomed us with an excellent three-course-dinner. They completely spoiled us both, preparing three-course-dinners every single day we were there. To make a long story short, they were excellent chefs and amazing hosts and I am so thankful we got to stay there with them for the tournament and the days leading up to it. 

    On Tuesday I played my practice round. We had a pretty good autumn day with plenty of wind and about 10 degrees (50 Fahrenheit). However, after practicing a couple of hours after the round, it started raining and it didn't stop! 


    The next day I was supposed to tee off at 9.50, but it was impossible to play due to the large amounts of rain that had fallen over the course, and continued to fall. At 14.50 I could finally hit my first tee shot. The course was completely soaked, and the ball basically plugged where it landed. The hard winds did not make play easier. Through seven holes I was 3 over par, and on hole 8 I made a mistake costing me another two strokes. When we were about to tee off on 9, the sky opened above us and the rain poored down once again. We managed to hit our tee shots on hole 9 before the decision to suspend play was announced.


    Thursday play was resumed early in the morning, the course still soaked, but playable. I started off bad with two bogeys, but then turned around and made two straight birdies. I finished the first round at 78. Second round was a little better, but the finish was not what I had been hoping for. I finished my second round at 74, leaving me two strokes shy of a playoff for advancing to the final qualifying stage. Even though the result was not what I was looking for, I am still pretty happy about my week down there. I got to spend time with my fiancé again and catch up with her, I got to meet the Hovstadius parents, and I had fun playing in the tournament. The game is not quite where I want it, but mentally it was a step in the right direction, and I could accept the outcomes in a better manner than previous tournaments this season. 


    So, now I'm once again back in Spain working at this beautiful resort in 28 degree weather (82 Fahrenheit) with lots of sun. While I'm here the guests and helping them to a great golfing vacation is of course my number one priority. However, I still have plenty of time to practice on my own game and work out at the gym. I have made a schedule, and am now working out five times a week at the gym, plus a short 15-minute routine every night. The golf practice is a bit harder to plan, but I get to practice some there too. Tomorrow I will tee off together with some of the guests in the early morning. I also got to play with some other guests yesterday. 


    Some Pictures From El Rompido

    Our Awesome Tournament Hosts 


  • 08.09.2017 11:16

    Spain will be My Winter Home

    Tournament season is coming to an end. It has been a tough season mentally, and I've been struggling with my thought processes, decision making, and trust in my own game. I have also struggled to enjoy the game of golf in periods throughout the year. I have gotten tired of always having to fight so hard to stay in the game, and there lay the problem. I am trying, overthinking, and hoping that I can think and control my way to happiness and relaxation on the golf course. I have finally realized once and for all that I need to start working with my inner self, or mental game if you will, before any of my actual golf practice will give any results. I am a better player now then before in regard to my technique, my ability to hit different shots and my general knowledge about different techniques and when to use them. However, because I have lost connection to my inner self and trust toward myself, I cannot at the moment perform at the level that I deep inside know that I am capable of performing at. Thanks to this realization, I will be working hard on finding my way back to performing at the level I know I am capable of from now on. This will be my number one priority, and I will be working together with a mental coach to make sure that what I am doing is actually helping me. I don't need anymore doubts about what I need to do to advance in life and in my game. I am looking very much forward to this journey, and it feels good to have found something that I ultimately believe will have long-lasting effects on my golf game, and on my life in general.

    Also, very soon I will be starting a new adventure in my working career. In just over ten days I will go to Spain, where I will be working for Golf Plaisir as a teaching professional and host at El Rompido golf course. I will fly back to play in the Nordic League qualifying school in October, but then I will go back again and stay until May. I am looking forward to this new opportunity that will excel my career in the right direction. It will, however, be tough to be without my fiancé and family over such an extended period of time. It will be hard work and a lot of culture adjustments, but I will get to stay at a great golf facility, meet plenty of new interesting people from all over Scandinavia, and hopefully I'll be able to keep up with my golf. So if anyone feels like taking a golf trip this winter or next spring, consider El Rompido!

    Here are some pictures from the last month. They are from Palm Springs, Askersund, and from my and Ellinor's American family's visit in Stockholm. 


  • 28.07.2017 21:23

    Twelve Tournament Rounds in 18 days, Not Bad!

    Hi everybody, long time since I wrote something on here. The last couple of weeks have been non-stop tournaments and travelling back and forth, a lot of time spent in the car in other words. I've been putting smaller updates on my instagram page  while I've been on the road. 

    Since I got home from the US almost three weeks ago, I have played in four tournaments plus a three day event with my club team Botkyrka Golf Club. To summerize, I have played 216 competitive holes in 18 days, plus prepared for tournament play on each of the courses within this time. I still haven't quite found my game technically, but mentally I am on my way back. I am enjoying playing these tournaments, and I am looking forward to work on my game on the practice area. This is the first step I feel like. Also, my back has not been bothering me for the past month at all which I am very excited about. To accomplish this I have stopped running and working out my legs completely just to see if it would make a difference. I also never carry my bag anymore, but use a push cart. Now I have started doing some leg exercises again, but without any weights and jerking movements. I have also been using kinesiology tape, and it seems to have helped too.

    Stockholm Golf Club

    Like I said, I still have a bit of work left before I will be where I want to be with my swing, but enjoying the game again is a huge step in the right direction. In each of the tournaments I have played after coming home from the US, my focus has been a lot better, and I am letting my body decide what to do a bit more, rather than just trying to think my way around the course logically. I still need to do this better though so I will keep working on it. Since I haven't gotten a period of good practice since I got back, but mostly travelled back and forth to tournaments, the upcoming few days before my next tournament will be really good for me. I'll be able to work on my foundations for a bit and on the things I have been lacking in over tha past weeks. Today I was actually hitting the ball really solid on the driving range. I have been coming way too much from the inside, especially in my latest tournament where I started hitting huge draws, even with my short irons. So, today I worked on getting my swing path straighter, and the results were exactly what I wanted them to be. Tomorrow I will go back out there and work on it more, and play a few holes to get it working out where it counts as well.

    The really good scores haven't come yet, but they are showing signs. In the national club team tournament I participated in I managed to shoot 69 in my first single, and at my last tournament I was -2 through 10 holes on the second day, but I lost control on my long game on the back nine. 

    In the Monday qualifier for the Challenge Tour event at Katrineholm I actually played pretty well both off the tee and on my approach shots. I had a lot of good birdie opportunities, but something really weird happened. I am used to making putts left and right, and that is why I can usually have a bad day with my longer game and still make a decent score. At the qualifier, however, my putts did not drop! I hit them all really well, they just rolled over the edges of the cups, every single time. The lone birdie of the day came when I made a chip on hole 15. A very unusual day, but I was happy with the way I played.

    I would also like to ask everyone who don't have anything on their calendars on August 10th to consider playing in mine and Ellinor's tournament at Botkyrka Golf Club. There are plenty of spots open. There will be a tee off around 12, followed by dinner at the club's restaurant. Both dinner and greenfees are included for the price of 1000kr. 

  • 30.06.2017 23:58

    Good Golf at the Symetra Tour in Michigan (and in Vallda, Sweden)

    I am now all settled in the US and the jetlag is pretty much gone. I flew in Sunday night to Chicago where Ellinor picked me up. Lauren (Ellinor's friend with whoms family we stayed the first couple of days) had just arrived on another flight that same evening, so we timed each other pretty well. On Monday we played a great golf course, Makray Golf Club. It was a nearby course in excellent condition with speedy greens with lots of slopes and undulations. I actually did not play too bad, and finished -3 in my last 4 holes, still shooting 75. But I was happy with that in plenty of wind. 

    One of the pretty par 3 holes at Makray

    Later that evening we went close to downtown Chicago where we met up with Lauren's boyfriend who I have met once together with Lauren when they visited Sweden a few years back. They are both really great people and it was nice to catch up over some greek food. 

    On Tuesday we steered Ellinor's Volvo toward Canadian Lakes in Michigan for the Symetra Tour event at Tullymore. It is a magnificent course with plenty of pretty holes. And the conditions are of course excellent. We spent three days preparing for the tournament, including 36 holes of play, plenty of time on the practice greens and some range. We also went to the gym for some workout on Wednesday. Yesterday we walked through some stores after an early day at the course, and we finished the day with a movie and lights out at 21.00.

    Gorgeous view over the 18th hole at Tullymore

    Today was the first tournament day, and it was an early one. Ellinor's tee time was at 7.52, the third group off. It was expected to rain pretty heavily today, but we did not see a single drop of water coming from the sky all day, not even later on during the day. This was a pleasant surprise, and the weather turned out to be very comfortable for golf. Ellinor started off the day with a birdie on the first hole. After making bogey on number two, she made a few really good up and downs in a row, before making two birdies in a row, making the 9-hole turn at -2. She played very solid on the back, but unfortunately the birdie putts didn't fall. A few shots that ended up on the wrong side of the hole led to a few bogeys on the back, and she finished the day at even par. My job today has been heavily focused on green reading, but I have also been helping out with and discussing club selections, targets, wind and so on. It was a fun day, and tomorrow we are off for another 18 holes at 12.42.

    Ellinor is not the only one playing good golf though. My brother, Marcus, is playing the Swedish Junior Championship in strokeplay at Vallda, and he is tied for the lead at -2 going in to the third round. He has been playing great golf lately and has finished 2nd in two straight junior events. Will tomorrow be "tredje gången gillt" (translates to "third time's a charm)? I think it will! 

    Marcus at the Swedish Junior Championship

  • 26.06.2017 15:01

    Sala Open and a Schedule Change

    Last week I followed up my best tournament so far this year with a not so good tournament in Sala. I started off nicely on the first, lipping out my putt for birdie.On hole two I did something that I have never done in a tournament, at least not as I can remember it. I hit two balls out of bounds, and then made a double bogey on my third ball, leading to a score of 11 on that hole. I have never experienced a score like this on a single hole, and I didn't know how to react to it. I found it very hard to focus initially following the big number. After a while I got back into it a little bit and at least played decent golf. The first round I finished at 8 over par, so except for the 11, I was 2-over. The second round started off badly and I had multiple 3-putts, which I usually don't have more than 1 every two rounds. I was 6 over par through 7 holes, and desperate to find something that could make me hit better golf shots, I started loosening my grip pressure. I found that to be exactly what I needed to do and played the last 11 holes at 1 under par. So, even though the scores were far away from what I am looking for, at least I found something to work on, and it felt good being "brave" enough to dare to loosen my grip pressure that much during a tournament.

    After the tournament I went down to our summer house in Mjölby with all my family except for Henric. My grandma and my friend Erik also joined us down there. It was a good few days with good food, fishing, playing games inside and outside, and a round of windy golf at Vesterby, a really nice course in my opinion! I would definitely recommend playing it. The loose grip pressure worked pretty well there too and I hit plenty of good shots.

    On short notice I found a ticket to the US, and since I feel like I needed a change of scenery and really want to caddie in a Symetra Tour event for my fiancé Ellinor, I decided to go. So now I am back in the states, and I will stay for two weeks. This means I will not play Saltsjöbadskannan at Saltsjöbaden Golfklubb. I am looking much forward to caddying and seeing some great golf! Of course I brought my own clubs so that I can practice some as well. 

    And I am going to order a new set of irons. Hopefully they will be ready for me when I get back home to Sweden. I am finally getting a custom fitted set of irons with the right shaft for me!

  • 19.06.2017 17:45

    Rethink, Restart, Change

    I have not written here in a while now. In short, I have been a little down lately. The golf has been going bad, I have been injured a lot so I have not been able to practice the way I want, and I have identified myself completely as a golf player and nothing else. It's been this way for a while, and now it was just too much. After my last tournament at Torshälla I basically stopped practicing because my hip was hurting, and then I decided to accept a few days of job offerings at a kindergarden that I have worked at before, to get my mind on other things. Basically this meant that I did not practice much at all the past two weeks, but I have played a few rounds because that is the one thing I have still found some joy in. 

    So I worked Tuesday through Thursday and by Friday morning I had a fever and sinus infection. Saturday I was meant to play a practice round at Köpings Golfklubb because I had a tournament there yesterday (Sunday). I still had a small fever Saturday morning but decided to go anyway and just walk the course. My friend Fredrik Lindgren joined me since he was going to stay with me at my brother Rickard's place in Köping. So he played the course and I just walked it and hit some putts. In the afternoon I still had some fever but it was starting to feel better. Oh, and my wrist had started hurting too, so my preparations were just perfect for this tournament. 

    I woke up on Sunday, still with a sinus infection but no fever. I took a few alvedon (fever reducing medicine) that helped me through the day. And I couldn't have made it through the tournament without Rickard (who caddied the first round) and dad (who caddied the second) - it was a 36-hole one-day event. It was the best tournament I have played all year. I still hit a few shots that were really bad, but I hit plenty of good shots as well! I actually started off with two straight birdies. I then had a few bad holes and finished the first round at 73 (+3). The second round the wind really picked up and it was blowing hard. I started with a birdie second round too and I played very steady golf my first nine holes. I just had one crappy hole that led to a bogey. On the back I played pretty well too. Unfortunately I finished with a bad iron shot on the last hole and made a bogey to shoot 68. It wasn't the most difficult course I have played, but it was still a step in the right direction. My short game wasn't the best, which wasn't that big of a surprise maybe considering I haven't practiced much lately. However, my putting was as good as always. Didn't miss a putt inside six feet all day. I finished tied for 9th spot and I actually enjoyed playing golf yesterday. Mentally it was a lot better than recent rounds. 

    On Thursday I have one more 36-hole event, at Sala-Heby Golfklubb. I tee off at 7.00 in the morning. I'm still not feeling 100 percent healthy so today I have just rested and tomorrow I'm hoping to be well enough to go to a Titleist Demo Event. On Wednesday I will play a practice round in Sala, and Thursday is the tournament. 

  • 05.06.2017 18:17

    Report from Torshälla Open

    My first 36-hole tournament of the year was at Torshälla this past weekend. I worked hard to be competetive at this event, and initially I seemed to have succeeded. During the practice round I hit the best tee shots I had hit in a long time. I started off the event with four pars, then birdie on the fifth, followed by two more pars. I was at one under par teeing off at the par 3 8th hole. It is a very basic hole, which I somehow managed to double-bogey. I then followed that up by hitting out of bounds on the 9th and another double was in the scorecard. After my second double, it was as if I had no good shots left in the bag. I started hitting my tee shots very inconsistently and suddenly my irons were going right. I finished with a birdie on 18 to shoot a high 78. The second day was probably one of my most "self-interrupted" tournament rounds ever. By that I mean that my mind was running at 100% all the time, and not in a good way. This I know now, after analyzing the tournament, comes from me having a basic thought in my swing that should prevent my back from starting to hurt, and then basing everything on that position and movement. This made me very stiff, and I had huge problems letting myself trust the body to just perform in the way that I know it's capable of. The result of all this was that the second round became a round where I felt like I was just never playing golf. Even so, I had awesome caddies both days trying to help me turn things around. My brother Rickard caddied the first day, and Marcus the second day. Thank you guys, and the rest of my family for coming out to watch.

    Today I played an early practice round for my club team's national division tournament at Djursholm Golf Club. It was like day and night compared to yesterday, which just shows that it's not about the technique that I possess, but rather how I allow myself to trust my body to do what it knows how to do, or if I decide to interfere by thinking and steering the ball in unnatural ways. It's getting clearer to me where I need to spend my time when playing golf, and that is out on the course. It is a lot more fun to play on the course, and it is the shots out there, where you get one chance, that I need to work on right now. I still need to make sure that I don't drift too far away in my technique which could bother my hip. But it's on the course I need to be. 

    Also, I have to congratulate my fiancé, Ellinor Haag, who played her first ever Symetra Tour event this weekend in Albany, New York. She made the cut in her very first start, and she is in the field for next week's event in Indiana. I am so proud of her and after all the hard work she has put in, she really deserves this opportunity. And I know she enjoyed having our awesome friends John and Jeff up there watching all three days. They are, simply put, awesome! 

    For anyone who is interested in meeting both me and my superstar fiancé, a spot in hour sponsor tournament on August 10th is definitely for you. You can read more about this under the "Sponsor" tab on this website.

    My next tournament will be Oakley Tour in Köping, a 36-hole event on June 18th. I am looking forward to it, and I am also looking forward to work on the things I need to work on to find my game again. Until next time!


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Patric Sundlöf

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US#: +18593141625

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