As One Season is Nearing a Close, Another is Closing in

01.04.2018 11:21

I have now been in Spain, working for the Swedish golf travel agency Golf Plaisir since September. During my time here I have met many interesting people with different backgrounds and different reasons for playing this wonderful game. Some love practicing, many appreciate the closeness to nature, even more enjoy the fact that they stay active, but mostly people seem to be in love with the social aspect of the game. All of these factors combined makes for the perfect activity for anyone who has a few hours to spare.

As for me, my season is now closing in, and I can't wait to tee off in my first tournament. I fly home on May 19th, and my first tournament will be in Mosjö May 24th (I have posted my tournament schedule under ”Tournaments”). During my time here in El Rompido, Spain, I have worked hard on the foundations of my golf swing, and I am pleased to say that I am liking the progress I have made during the winter. Now I have started to focus more on actual playing and scoring so that I'll be as ready as I can possibly get physically and mentally for the season when I get back home. Hopefully the snow has disappeared by then.

This job I've had as a golf host and teaching pro during the winter has been very rewarding for me. It has been tough being away from many of the people I love and care about for so long, even though I have had visits from my fiancée, my parents, and even my uncle and cousin. It has also been difficult sometimes to be in one place for so long (mostly probably because non of my family and friends from home are here). But, it has been great fun to work with my colleague, Jörgen. We are very different and disagree on every other thing we talk about, but we complement each other very well and I have learned plenty of new things from working and spending time with him. It has also been awesome to be able to give lessons as a teaching professional, which is something I have enjoyed doing very much. It doesn't beat playing (no work does), but it definitely beats typing on a computer or packing up groceries, in my opinion that is. Seeing the ”student” being able to hit that shot they couldn't hit a few minutes earlier or hearing about their awesome round the next day is such a great feeling.

The job has also given me a lot of challenges since there are plenty of logistics and coordination between the main office in Sweden, the hotel, the transfer companies and the golf course to take into consideration while planning and preparing the stay for all of the guests.

Right in this moment we have a big group of guests and the golf courses are in their high season, meaning there are plenty of golfers here and it is sometimes hard to find the possibility to practice and play as much as I would want. However, I can still do some golf related practice almost every day.

My fingers are itching to get home and start playing tournament golf! I'm ready for the season to start!


If anyone is interested in more specific information about my season or career, don't hesitate to e-mail or phone me. Have a good one everybody!


Gänget på Monte Rei i Februari


Fina soluppgångar på Costa de la Luz ("Ljusets kust")  

Padelgänget, vi är nu världsmästare




Patric Sundlöf

Sweden#: +46707535499
US#: +18593141625

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